Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Year of Faith

As some of you may know a couple weeks ago on Oct 11, 2012 the Year of Faith began for all Catholics.  From Oct 11, 2012 to Nov 24, 2013, Pope Benedict has asked all Catholics to devote time for prayer and study of the Catholic faith.  He has especially asked Catholics to study the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the documents of the Second Vatican Council so we can learn more about what the Church teaches and how we as Catholics can defend the Church's position in our discussions with those around us.  

October 11th of this year not only marked the beginning of the Year of Faith, but it was also the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  It also marked the beginning of a synod of bishops who have gathered  in Rome with Pope Benedict to discuss the New Evangelization.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a  statement encouraging Catholics to take part in the Year of Faith saying "the Year of Faith is an opportunity for Catholics to experience a conversion – to turn back to Jesus and enter into a deeper relationship with him. The “door of faith” is opened at one’s baptism, but during this year Catholics are called to open it again, walk through it and rediscover and renew their relationship with Christ and his Church."

The Year of Faith is an opportunity for all of us to immerse ourselves into the richness of the Church's teachings.  We are blessed with 2000 years of history and tradition from which to study.  There are numerous ways to delve into the faith this year.  Some ideas include doing a Bible Study, reading the Live of the Saints, studying Church History, and doing an in-depth reading of the Catechism.

If any of the above options sound interesting to you then make sure you take the time to find authentic Catholic resources to form the basis of your study.  Ascension Press has DVD studies, CDs and books written by experts in Scripture Studies, Church History and the Catechism.  My favourite studies include the Bible Timeline presented by Jeff Cavins and EPIC: A Journey Through Church History by Steve Weidenkopf.  Both of these studies were really well done and I learned a lot about the Catholic faith.  

If you don't want to do a formal study then simply reading Scripture, the Catechism, and the documents of Vatican II on your own are great ways for you to participate in the Year of Faith.  Another way you could participate is through prayer. Pope Benedict has asked Catholics to pray the Rosary especially during the Year of Faith saying "I would like to invite everyone to cherish the Rosary during the forthcoming Year of Faith.  With the Rosary, in fact, we allow ourselves to be guided by Mary, the model of faith, in meditating upon the mysteries of Christ, and day after day we are helped to assimilate the Gospel so that it can shape our lives.  Therefore, in the wake of my predecessors, and in particular Blessed John Paul II who ten years ago gave us his Apostolic Letter 'Rosarium Virginis Mariae', I invite people to pray the Rosary individually, in the family and in the community, placing themselves in the school of Mary who leads us to Christ, the living centre of our faith." - Pope Benedict XVI, Oct 7, 2012

My hope is that all Catholics will take advantage of the Year of Faith to grow in their knowledge and love of Catholicism.  Please join me in prayer and study over the next year and together we can build the Kingdom of God here on earth.  God Bless!

For more information about the Year of Faith and how to participate please see the link to the official Year of Faith website below.

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